
The Katanga Province hosts the Central African Copperbelt, which extends from Angola through the DRC into Zambia. The Copperbelt is one of the world’s greatest metallogenic provinces containing 34% of the world’s cobalt reserves and over 10% of the world’s copper reserves.

The Tenke project, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is one of the largest copper-cobalt deposits. The American company Freeport McMoRan (formerly Phelps Dodge) and Canada’s Tenke Mining together hold a majority stake in the project

Kerry Freight has been able to move large mining machinery to various mining sites in DRC

Kerry Freight
126 Avenue N'Djamena,
Commune de Lubumbashi, B.P. 1308,
Katanga Province,

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Tel: +243 89895244
Email: [email protected]